Did you know that most of the tissues in our bodies receive nutrients from our blood circulation, but our joints have very little blood supply? How do the tissues of our joints receive nutrients and hydration, and remove waste? Movement! The movement of our joints causes synovial fluid to circulate throughout the joint capsule, bathing […]
3 posts
There are a lot of terms that get thrown around when people are trying to be healthy. What do they really mean? Here is a quick rundown of the biggest and most often confused ones. Alternative Care: Alternative or Complementary medicine (CAM) is a constantly changing term, colloquially used to mean “not major medical.” It […]
OK so the title of this post is a little misleading. It’s not about how to get the most out of your MASSAGE therapist. This is useful for any health care provider. Replace “I read on the internet” with “I’m concerned about this; why is this your recommendation?” With as many ‘Google accredited doctors’ as […]