We’re teaming up with Big Fat World Tours for the international races in some of the coolest, off beat vacation spots in the world! Yep, your very own team massage therapist, certified in Medical Massage, will be traveling with you to help work out kinks, owies, and muscle pain BEFORE you get on the plane home! How cool would it be to say “my team therapist will be helping me out”?
Previous trips are below- check out what we get to do!
Iceland Marathon 2018
See views from Iceland here and here
Revisit the beautiful scenery of Iceland, with additional visits to some of the more remote Northern towns and glaciers on the island. Visit multiple hot spring spas. See waterfalls and fjords and petite Icelandic ponies (oops, horses)! Run a marathon (or half, or 10k, or 5k) in one of the most popular races in Europe, in perfectly temperate weather! Five percent of trip proceeds go to the local chapter of Girls on the Run!
Bhutan Marathon and Adventure Trip
See views from some of these countries here!
Visit a country with a Negative Carbon Footprint, that measure Gross Domestic Happiness instead of Profit. See ancient monasteries, hike Himalayan mountains, and float down beautiful rivers. Fly thru Kathmandu, Nepal, and get two countries for the price of one! The marathon goes thru a beautiful valley outside one of the large towns (there are several lengths to race if you’re not up to a full marathon- or spend the whole day exploring the city!) Five percent of proceeds will go to a local Charlotte area running charity!
Nepal ULTRA Marathon 2017
See some of last year’s trips sights and accommodations here on our Instagram.
If you just can’t get enough running, and you want a REAL challenge, join us for the Annapurna 100– 50 or 100k (31 or 62 miles) surrounded by some of the highest mountains in the world. Then, since you didn’t travel halfway around the world and climb over 1300 meters (4200+ feet) during a race just to turn around and go home, we explore! Part of the proceeds from this trip go to support the Nepal Project, a Charlotte based charity supporting education for villages. We will visit one of the villages and see what we’re supporting, as well as watching the rice harvest come in. We will visit Chitwan National Park and hopefully see elephants, tigers, and rhinos. Then we finish up in Kathmandu for the cultural and architectural legacy of Nepal.
This is a once in a lifetime trip that hits all the high points of a beautiful and ancient country!

Reykjavik, Iceland

See some of the scenery and accommodations from last year here.
The Reykjavik Marathon includes a full marathon, half marathon, 10k, 3k fun run, or relay. Sightseeing includes Reykjavik proper, the Golden Circle, the Blue Lagoon Spa, riding Icelandic horses (Don’t call them ponies!), a day trip to Northern Iceland, and a day trip to the volcano that blew in 2010.

Croatia Wine Trip and Half Marathon
See views from Croatia here.
8 Days exploring several Croatian cities, drinking LOTS of wine (included in the fee), and working our way to Dubrovnik for a half marathon. There will be strolls thru local markets, ferries to nearby islands, and the options for food tours, history tours, or Game of Thrones tours. Think Napa Valley with an Old World theme.
Reykjavik, Iceland 2016
See some of the scenery and accommodations here.
The Reykjavik Marathon includes a full marathon, half marathon, 10k, 5k, or relay. Sightseeing includes Reykjavik proper, the Golden Circle, and a day at the Blue Lagoon Spa.